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Basic SWAT is a Tactical Training Course. While the primary focus is on ‘SWAT” - the practical application for this training can be for any individual, team or element that must execute hazardous warrants, maintain an emergency perimeter (or containment of a critical incident), or for a Department that is interested in starting a SWAT team. This course is an intense 60 hours of training. While it is certainly not a gentlemen’s course, it is not designed as, nor intended to be, a “Selections Course” or a “Boot Camp” style school. Restricted to Law Enforcement, Military, Government, & Security Personnel. 

September 23-27, 2024 | Waco, Texas Cost: $500, Optional Housing: $150


Advanced SWAT is intended for personnel assigned to perform in a tactical unit role. Advanced SWAT is an intense 5-day 60 (plus) hour program. It is designed with an emphasis on practical "hands-on" application. Classroom instruction is kept to a minimum. The student will be exposed to an in-depth view of advanced tactical concepts, strategies, unit organization, individual and team tactics, specialized teams and specialized resources available in a tactical incident. Restricted to Law Enforcement, Military, Government, & Security Personnel. 

November 4-8, 2024 | Waco, Texas | Cost: $500, Optional Housing: $150


Hostage Rescue course is 60 hours. It is intended for tactical personnel that will participate in the Assault Phase of a hostage rescue mission. It is designed with an emphasis on practical "hands-on" application. Classroom instruction is kept to a minimum. The student will be exposed to an in-depth view of tactical concepts, strategies, and team and individual tactics that apply to the successful resolution of a hostage situation. Restricted to Law Enforcement, Military, Government, & Security Personnel. 

September 2-6 | Waco, Texas | Cost $600, Optional Housing $150


Counter Paramilitary Operations is NOT a Boot-camp style course even though the topic’s and skills taught in this school are military in nature. The constant peril of well-armed and trained criminals (as found in the Active-shooter Incident, Dallas Texas, July 2016 - Baton Rouge La. Shooting, July 2016 - San Bernardino Terrorist Attack. December 2015 - Alexandria La. Wise Street Shootout, September 2003 - North Hollywood Shootout, February 1997) has forced American Law Enforcement to reevaluate its ability to address these new threats. This highly popular course is intended for special operations personnel assigned to perform in a Tactical/SWAT unit role. While the subjects being taught are military/combat oriented; the information, techniques and tactics do not supplant Federal and State law, and/or departmental policy. Physically demanding, this course is designed to negate the tactics being used against us; therefore, the student will be exposed to an in-depth view of infantry/Special Forces strategies, unit organization, concepts and tactics. Restricted to Law Enforcement, Military, Government, & Security Personnel. 

October 14-18 | Waco, Texas | Cost: $600, Optional Housing $150


High-Risk Warrant course is dedicated to teaching the skills and techniques needed for warrant service. This 40-hour training teaches SWAT-like techniques and skills; however, it should not be construed as a SWAT school. The course is best suited for SWAT, Warrant Containment Teams, as well as Narcotics and Fugitive Apprehension Teams, but any officer can attend this course, which can best be described as an entry school. The training includes intense practical exercises with a focus on safe planning and execution of high threat-level apprehensions. Students will also undergo repetition on entries into buildings, work on the skills needed to perform apprehensions of suspects in an open area, and achieve other learning objectives. Restricted to Law Enforcement, Military, Government, & Security Personnel. Cost $450


Patrol CQB course trains the front-line patrol officer how to search small to midsize interior structures utilizing two and four officer team tactics. Patrol Officers commonly find themselves in situations where they cannot standby for the arrival of a Tactical Team, and they must clear a structure with limited assets. Students will learn how to utilize close quarters weapon handling skills combined with deliberate movement techniques to systematically clear interior spaces. Restricted to Law Enforcement, Military, Government, & Security Personnel. Cost: $250, Optional Housing: $60


AXON TASER Training Certification Course is 8-hours, led by instructors with years of practical experience in Use of Force and TASER CEWs. We’re able to provide you with all the necessary resources, so you do not have to worry about logistics. This course can be conducted at your agency or our location, contact us for more information on group discounts. Upon completion, participants will receive a certification that is valid for one year. In addition to your annual certification, we offer courses for patrol and tactical taser applications with scenario-based training which enhances the officer’s ability to react more quickly to evolving threats. Restricted to Law Enforcement, Military, Government, & Security Personnel. Cost: $120

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